Greater Holland Area Young Life
Banquet In a Bag
Together We Find Hope
Thank You!
This ministry would not be possible without the loving support of people like you. Will you consider helping us reach our goal of $150,000 by November 25th. Click the button to the right to Give Now!
Keep scrolling to read more stories of the impact you’re helping make possible in the lives of our students and volunteers!
Eternal Impact Happening in Greater Holland
Volunteer Leaders
Lives Impacted
Thank you!
Thank you for watching! While ministry may look different right now, our mission remains the same. Students are experiencing Jesus’ love and grace. Will you help us continue this ministry? To give a financial gift click the link below!
Continue scrolling to read stories of impact happening in the lives of our students and volunteers!
Meet Kamryn and Carleigh
Kamryn is a high school student who became involved with Young Life in 6th grade. “I was invited to Winter Weekend by my best friend and felt connected to God for the first time during one of the club talks.” Carleigh is Kamryn’s leader. During quarantine, this relationship became a vital part of life for both Kamryn and Carleigh. They continued to stay connected through text and Facetime, but went the extra mile and began writing letters to each other.
There are many more relationship like Kamryn and Carleigh and even more that need to be created. Will you pray for relationships to be begin through this ministry and for the Lord to provide?
Meet Jon and Jared
Jon is a high school student who is really involved in his Campaigners, or bible study, group. “Getting up early and making the first thing in the day time the Word with other guys is really cool. My day usually ends up being better if I start with devotions.” Through Jon’s time at Bible study, asking hard questions and honest discussion with his leaders like Jared, Jon has grow confident in his faith. “At a public school, it’s easy to suppress your faith, “I’m a Christian, but…”. Through my leaders I’ve seen it doesn’t have to be a but, it can be an and. I’ve learned to own my faith.”
Will you pray that more students like Jon can learn to own their faith through school and life?
Meet Shanna, Zanyira and Amanda
Shanna, a teen mom to her daughter Zanyira, became involved with YoungLives during her pregnancy. She heard about the ministry through her school’s counselor. Shanna is involved with club, small group bible studies and is in a mentor relationship with Amanda. YoungLives provides Shanna a loving community with other teen moms. Her relationship with her mentor Amanda encourages her, gives her support, and allows the opportunity to grow in her understanding of Jesus.
There are many teen moms like Shanna in our community who desire to be seen, valued and loved. Will you partner with us both in prayer to allow us to engage with other teen moms like Shanna?
As a ministry our mission is to “Introduce adolescents to Jesus and help them grow in their faith.” Middle school is a great time to help make that introduction to Jesus! Our WyldLife teams do a fantastic job creating fun and safe environments to make connections with middle school students. For most students, middle school is a time filled with social and physical changes, and new challenges. We believe all young people deserve to have caring adults in their lives to help guide them to the foot of the cross. To the place of true hope.
Will you join us in praying for our WyldLife volunteers and students?
Meet Andrew and Jacob
Andrew and Jacob have both been a part of Young Life for a number of years. Andrew has been involved through club, campaigners, camp, and summer staff. The friendships he’s gained is one of the biggest reasons he loves Young Life. Andrew also talks about how Young Life, specifically Capernaum, has helped make him a better person. Jacob is currently a Capernaum leader and desires to give young people like Andrew the continued opportunities to serve others to further God’s Kingdom.
Andrew and Jacob’s relationship is just one example of how Young Life Capernaum is creating impact in the lives of young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Will you join us in praying for our Capernaum ministry?
Meet Grace and Stella
Stella is a high school student whose sister brought her to Club for the first time. Until Fall Weekend Camp at Timber Wolf Lake, Young Life was just something to do with her sister. At weekend camp, Stella met Grace, a volunteer leader at her school. In cabin time discussions, Stella began to trust Grace and opened up about her faith. Stella has grown in her relationship with God from that experience. She feels comfortable talking about her faith and wants to keep growing.
Thanks to a weekend at camp, Stella was given a space to grow deeper in her relationship with God. Will you pray that more students in Greater Holland are given an experience at camp like Stella?
Meet Anahi
Anahi is a high school student who was introduced to Young Life through a leader 4 years ago. Since then she’s attended club, campaigner, and camp. One of the reason’s Anahi continues her involvement with Young Life is because it’s a life-giving opportunity for her to deepen her understanding and knowledge of who Jesus is and how she can pursue a life dedicated to growing His kingdom. Young Life has provided her a community for her to belong and a vision for her future.
There are hundreds of students similar to Anahi in our community. Longing to be seen and heard. Will you partner with us both in prayer to allow us to pursue more students like Anahi?
Thank you!
Thank you for joining us for our 2020 Banquet in a Bag! This ministry would not be possible if it weren’t for people like you. Our dream is for every young person in the Greater Holland Area to be given the chance to hear about Jesus. As a community, we will be better for it. This is not possible without all of our volunteers, your financial support and prayers, and our numerous ministry partners. Thank you!