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Greater Holland Area Young Life Banquet

Psalm 139



Thank You!

This ministry would not be possible without the loving support of people like you. Will you consider a financial gift to ensure ministry is able to continue? Click the button to the right to Give Now!

Keep scrolling to read more stories of the impact you’re helping make possible in the lives of our students and volunteers!

Eternal Impact Happening in Greater Holland


Volunteer Leaders

Lives Impacted

Meet Sabriah and her mentor Gina

Sabriah, a teen mom to her kids Aveya and Aziel, became involved with YoungLives during her pregnancy. She describes YoungLives as a family that helps each other, cares for one another, and lifts each other up. What makes Sabriah’s experience special is her relationship with her mentor Gina. “Having a mentor is so great, Gina has been there for me. She’s always checking in on me and giving me the best advice. I’m so happy to be a part of something so special.”

There are more teen moms like Sabriah in our community who desire to be seen, valued, and loved. Will you consider supporting YoungLives through prayer, financial giving, or becoming a mentor like Gina?

Meet Lucas & Joshua

Joshua and Lucas have gotten to know each other through their love for sports, the outdoors, and Jesus. Joshua enjoys the community of people he has gotten to know through Capernaum and loves playing fun games at club. Capernaum leaders like Lucas desire to give young people like Joshua the continued opportunities to build relationships with others and with Jesus all while having fun.

Capernaum is a ministry having a positive impact in the lives of young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Will you join us in praying for our Capernaum students and volunteers? Will you consider a financial gift to help this ministry grow?

Meet Logan

Logan is a Junior at Hope College and a volunteer leader for Young Life Hope, our ministry for college students. He first heard about Young Life while he was in high school and some local volunteers starting showing up around his school. Now as a volunteer himself he says, “I want to continue as a YL Hope leader because it’s fun, impactful, and effective – kids are reached, heard, and known – the Gospel is revealed, and the kingdom of God is advanced.”

This past summer Logan served at Young Life’s Castaway Club in Minnesota as a Summer Staff. He gave up a few of his weeks in the summer to help advance the kingdom of God.

Meet Jackie

Jackie is a sophomore at Holland High and was first introduced to Young Life through her older sister. She attends club and campaigners weekly and this past summer she went to Timber Wolf Lake for the first time. After returning home from camp she decided to go back to volunteer as Work Crew. “I wanted to see other people feel the way I felt at camp and help give them the best week of their lives.”

In Young Life we introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. Part of that growth can be displayed as kids put their faith into action. Will you pray for more kids to experience the Gospel in a similar way Jackie has?

Meet Ben

Ben started as a WyldLife kid at Black River and has continued to come now as a high schooler. In Young Life, Ben and Seth, a volunteer leader, really kicked it off with their matched sarcasm and snarky outlook on life. Ben’s commitment to his faith is evident in his dedication to attending Young Life events. These spaces provide a place to have fun and also wrestle with the hard questions which he says encourages him to continue pursuing Christ.
The boys campaigners group, dubbed “The Goonsquad”, has become a consistent group of boys that dive into scripture weekly and discuss what it means for their lives at school and home. Seth says, “when he’s willing – Ben has shared some wonderful insights” at morning Bible study. In large part, this group has been held together and grown for others by Ben’s quiet steadiness and his heart to learn about Christ with Seth.

Meet Tiki

Tiki is a 7th grader at Holland Middle School. He has been involved with WyldLife for almost 2 years! He started coming when his friend Carter invited him to come along with him. Some of his favorite things about club is hanging out with his friends and his leaders outside of school. Tiki loves that he can have fun while also learning more about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian.

Tyler is Tiki’s leader and has been walking alongside him ever since he started coming to club. Together they get to explore what Jesus is doing in their lives. Tyler’s favorite memory with Tiki is playing jackpot at the beach for hours after not seeing each other during covid! It’s been beautiful to see God working in their relationship.

Meet Justin

As a Hope freshmen Justin was asked to come to a leader interest meeting. “I do not know what came over me when [my roommate] asked, I truly did not want to go. But something inside me told me I should go.” Later, after a semester of training, “I was placed on ZYL and had crippling anxiety on how I was going to mentor kids, while I was going through the most tumultuous part of my entire life. I did not know how to lead myself in my own life, so how was I going to be this guiding light for kids who are just years younger than me?” God proved to Justin that through relying first on the strength of Christ, volunteering as a leader would not only change student’s lives, but his own.
“I met so many great friends and important people through my time at Young Life, it helped me get out of my dark place. Volunteering was so therapeutic. I got back to my old self, when I was confident and didn’t second guess every little thing. Volunteering with Young Life was God’s perfect gift at the perfect time.”

Meet Emerson

“Never before have I formed relationships as strong as these. I love you all dearly. Continue to omit His love as we go our separate ways.” – A Instagram post after camp by Emerson from West Ottawa.

Emerson has been a part of WO Young Life since middle school. She is a quiet observer and always present where and when she can be. As an 8th grader, Emerson asked to do Work Crew for our WyldLife weekend the next year. After a canceled 2020 summer, Emerson was ready to do work crew the next summer. She served at Timber Wolf Lake summer
2021 for 3 weeks. When she was done, I received a text saying, “thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve and grow in my faith.”

Thank you! 

Thank you for joining us! This ministry would not be possible if it weren’t for people like you. Our dream is for every young person in the Greater Holland Area to be given the chance to hear about Jesus. As a community, we will be better for it. This is not possible without all of our volunteers, your financial support and prayers, and our numerous ministry partners. Thank you!